Q) In your opinion, why do you think it is important for MOE to develop the three Masterplans for ICT in education?
Gone are the days when classroom teaching comprises only of blackboard, chalk and duster. In today’s classroom, the usage of ICT can commonly be seen during implementation of lessons and the true purpose of the Masterplan can often be neglected. In my opinion, the development of the three Masterplans for ICT in education is crucial and necessary. As mentioned in Masterplan One, one of the main objective is to inculcate creativity in the students. I feel that the ability to be vigilant and alert to new technological changes is very vital in today’s society. Hence, through the usage of ICT, students are given a chance to gain exposure to the world of technology and its latest development.
In addition, another important value that is inculcated will be the encouragement of independent learning whereby students will have to source for the necessary information online. This is especially important in this knowledge economy. One of the main aim in the Masterplan two includes the usage of ICT as a tool to customise education to meet the needs and abilities of different students. This is essential as no forty students in the class can have the same learning pace. Hence, the usage of ICT allows the students to learn at a comfortable but yet a decent pace.
Q) Has any of the Masterplans impacted you as a student? Share your experience of how ICT had been used in the classes you attended as a student (if applicable).
As a student, I have greatly benefitted from the usage of ICT especially during my secondary school days from 2001-2004. Within that four years, I experienced two years of lessons under the Masterplan One and two years under the Masterplan Two. I recall the frequent visits to the computer labs and one memorable lesson was the Art lesson. During the lesson, we were taught the basics of Adobe Photoshop and afterwhich, we were allowed and encouraged to explore the program on our own. After being able to grasp the usage of Photoshop, we were then presented with an assignment to design a postcard for an Anti-drug abuse campaign. I am greatly thankful for the chance I had back then to learn about Adobe Photoshop as it is a skill that is truly beneficial and applicable, especially when it comes to the designing or editing of aesthetic work.
Q) Based on your enhanced school experience, how do you think the current Masterplan 3 may affect your role(s) as a beginning teacher ?
Based on my enhanced school experience, it is evident that classroom lessons in schools have a shift in focus towards independent learning for the students. After the school experience, I have thus understood the importance of ICT during lesson implementation. Future designing and planning of lesson materials should then be skewed to encourage more independent learning of the students. In addition, materials should be designed to educate students about the reliability of the online sources.
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